Had I continued logging CAN data without it, with each CAN packet written separately (~40 characters / log record, or ~820 writes per 32KB sector), I likely would have started losing sectors in the next few weeks were it not for wear-leveling - perhaps even with wear-leveling. I won't promise it's the most performance or memory efficient, but its purpose was to spare the Flash from my app, which supports logging CAN data (1000+ packets/sec) to file, and it does that very well. I've attached the Utility (a single LV 2012 VI) in case anyone else would find it useful. For now, I'll assume 32 KB as I've read the 9606 uses 16 KB with its 256 MB drive. I've built a "RIO File Writer" utility to buffer text writes until the sector size is full or until the file is closed using the utility VI, but it would help to know the sector size. I'm not finding the sector size in the Spec Docs I've found, and Measurement & Automation Explorer doesn't display it either, and I can't find a RT Hardware Property for it either. I'm using the sbRIO-9636 with 512 MB non-volatile storage (Flash I presume?).